Its the magic that binds us together ;;

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Table of Contents

I. Magic
II. Air
III. Water
IV. Earth
V. Fire
VI. Electricity
VII. Light
VIII. Darkness
IX. Psychic
X. Time
XI. Opal
XII. Non-believers
XIII. Minor Gems
XIV. Temple Positions


This RPG has a twist in which every equine on the game is given an element, jewel, and level of power. When you join, a member of staff shall randomly choose your Element and give you a jewel. It is your job to come up with how you carry the jewel (IE. On a rope around your neck, embedded in a hoof, embedded into the nose[like a nose ring, lol], or so on). Then, all but a select few shall start at Level One, then advance onwards.

*Whatever element you hold, these will be the deities you worship. The main thing they do is either take away/give tokens, or enhance and level up powers*
Gaining levels
First Level - Automatic
Second Level - 20 tokens
Third Level - 50 tokens
Fourth Level - 100 tokens
Fifth Level - 200 tokens
Jewels & Elements
Diamond - Air
Sapphire - Water
Emerald - Earth
Ruby - Fire
Alexandrite - Electricity
Aquamarine - Light
Amethyst - Darkness
Citrine - Psychic
Amber - Time
Opal - All Elements
Elemental Deities
Air - Altus
Water - Courant
Earth - Brighton
Fire - Paduan
Electricity - Tazewell
Light - Galadriel
Darkness - Rencor
Psychic - Elyria
Time - Aprillia

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Level 1 - Can create gentle winds and move small objects, can jump a little further and higher than other Elementals
Level 2 - Can create a buffeting wind and move small to medium objects, can levitate for small periods of time.
Level 3 - Can create a strong wind and move as well through medium to large objects. Can create a small tornado, can fly for short distances.
Level 4 - Can create a very strong wind and throw large objects. Can create a large tornado that causes great damage, can fly for a longer range but not across different territories.
Level 5 - Can create extremely strong winds and throw any sized object. Can create a very large tornado as well as combine with water to create hurricanes. Can cause severe damage. Can fly for long distances. Wings are given to Guardians, earned by Spirits.

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Level 1 - Can create small waves.
Level 2 - Can create small waves and simple forms of water such as light rain and thin fog.
Level 3 - Can create medium waves and make more complex forms of water such as ice, cool steam, light to average rain and average fog.
Level 4 - Can create large waves and complex forms of water such as storms, thick fog, small glaciers, hot steam, and small water spouts.
Level 5 - Can create Tsunamis and very complex forms of water such as water spouts, heavy fog, large glaciers, boiling water, extremely hot steam as well as combine with air to create hurricanes.

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Level 1 - Can control small rocks.
Level 2 - Can control medium rocks that can bruise and create small, shallow cracks in the ground.
Level 3 - Can control large rocks that can injure and create shallow crags and small underground quivers.
Level 4 - Can control large boulders, medium earthquakes, deep cracks, and small landslides.
Level 5 - Can control extremely large boulders, large quakes, very deep cracks, large landslides, and can create hills and cliffs.

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Level 1 - Can create small fireballs with little heat.
Level 2 - Can create small fireballs and ribbons with some heat.
Level 3 - Can create medium fireballs and ribbons as well as small firewalls.
Level 4 - Can create large fireballs and ribbons with quite a bit of heat, can control a medium sized firewall and create small firestorms.
Level 5 - Can create very large fireballs and ribbons with extreme heat, can control very large firewalls and firestorms, as well as shape fire into any form.

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Level 1 - Can create weak sparks and some static electricity.
Level 2 - Can create weak electric currents to create a shock, small strikes of electricity, and static.
Level 3 - Can create strong electric currents, small lightening bolts, heavy static, and can begin combining with simple water forms for thunderstorms and small lightening storms.
Level 4 - Can create very strong electric currents with a bad electric shock, medium lightening bolts, heavy static, and can create lightening storms as well as a weak electricity wall.
Level 5 - Can create extremely strong electric currents, very strong static electricity, large lightening bolts, can control plasma and neon, can create torrential thunderstorms and Lightening storms, and can create a large electric globe barrier (No more than 20 feet/6 meters in diameter).

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Level 1 - Can create weak light sources and bend light to refract in certain directions, can give one the "good feelings" when they are feeling down.
Level 2 - Can create medium strength light sources, can control small amounts of sunlight: can cure minor wounds like brush cuts and brush burns.
Level 3 - Can create a strong light source, can control most sources of light; Can cure medium wounds like bruises from hooves and bites; can dispel hatred in individuals.
Level 4 - Can bend light to become invisible; can heal broken bones.
Level 5 - Can blind enemies with a large blast of light, can ward off darkness to reveal hidden enemies, can control any light source; can cure any injury done by the magic of another element; can create the feeling of love in an individual.

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Level 1 - Can create small patches of weak darkness within a 5 meter radius of the caster; can give one the "bad feelings" to create a state of despair.
Level 2 - Can create medium strength darkness, can control small amounts of moonlight; can bring back past injuries like brush cuts and brush burns.
Level 3 - Can create a strong source of darkness, effectively making one-self invisible; can bring back the damage from past battles like hoof bruises and bites that the caster has previous given the opponent in past battles; can create hatred in an individual.
Level 4 - Can cover large groups in darkness; can bring back broken bones or muscle damage given to the opponent by the caster in previous battles.
Level 5 - Can cause an eclipse of the sun to weaken light wielding equines, can blind an enemy with darkness; has the ability to bring back any past injury including those given by members of other elements; can dispel love in an individual.

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Level 1 - Has brief flashes of premonitions, some of which are inaccurate and others are accurate.
Level 2 - Has incredibly accurate premonitions.
Level 3 - Can teleport to places.
Level 4 - Can control inanimate objects with the mind.
Level 5 - Can mind read* and use mind control.
*Please note that any horse being mind read will experience a light tickling sensation. Only other Psychics can block the attempts of another.

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Level 1 - Can pause time for very small periods for just themselves.
Level 2 - Can pause time for short periods for themselves and 1 other adult (or 2 others if they’re foals).
Level 3 - Can create small rips in time to move backwards through. Can take small groups, up to five bodies total.
Level 4 - Can create medium rips in time to move backwards or forward through time, can take large groups, up to ten bodies total, through.
Level 5 - Immortality. Can walk freely back and forth through time; can take large groups, up to fifteen bodies total, through.
*Please note that any horse traveling through time will experience a sort of weightlessness associated with the passing and those around them will appear to be fast forward.

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Each character gains the Opal once they have reached at least Level IV in all of the elements.
There are no levels for the Opal.
In gaining the Opal, you have the option of becoming the god or goddess of Opal. This position would place you as the guardian of the gods and is challengable.
In order to challenge to become the god or goddess of Opal, you must first gain Level IV in all of the elements as well as have Immortality and Magic.

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The non-believers are those who choose to not recognize the gods or the elements. They can be chosen at random upon joining or when you’re joining your new character you can make a note saying you’d prefer your character to be a non-believer.
These characters are fortune tellers and star-readers; they look to nature for the answers instead of looking to elements for help. They are able to communicate with the world around them - with the plants and the animals. Now, while it would seem as though they would be helpless in a battle against someone who has elements, they are more in-tune with nature giving them an almost psychic advantage.
You can still collect tokens for these characters and gain traits. You do not have to take the trait if you do not want it - the choice is yours.
100 tokens: Wings/Horn
200 tokens: One Minor Trait of your choice.
300 tokens: Telekinesis
400 tokens: Invisibility
500 tokens: Teleportation
600 tokens: Shape-shifting into the animal of your choice
700 tokens: One Major Trait of your choice
800 tokens: Immortality and Eternal Youth
900 tokens: Star Magic*

Star Magic: The power to create new stars and constellations.

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Minor Gems

Sometimes, a minor gem is given instead of a regular gem. Those who possess minor gems lack proper control of their element or may have a weaker version of their element. Minor gems, unlike major ones, can be given by request from the chosen deity instead of being given a random gem from the Oracle. Major gems can be earned through trials offered by the gods. Minor gems may be leveled up, much like major gems, but a new element cannot be earned until the minor gem becomes a major gem.

Major Gems to Minor Gems
Amethyst - Jet
Emerald - Jade
Citrine - Garnet
Diamond - Topaz
Sapphire - Lapis Lazuli
Ruby - Carnelian
Alexandrite - Tanzanite
Aquamarine - Quartz
Amber - Seraphinite

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Temples & Positions

For each Element/Deity, there is a Temple set up where followers of a certain "faith" may venture to confront their god. Your status and favor in the eyes of your god depends on the number of Tokens you have and your title in the Temple.

Mage - All Level Is are Mages. This is the lowest level of the Temple.
Acolyte - All Level IIs and most Level IIIs are Acolytes. This is the second-highest level of the Temple.
Spirit - Becoming a Level III does not automatically mean that you are a Spirit. Once you reach Level III, you are free to challenge a Spirit for their position in the Temple. A Spirit can only be challenged once every two weeks. There is only three Spirits at a time and the current three Spirits are displayed in the Temple.
Guardian - The Guardian of the Temple must at least be a Level IV and is the most powerful member of their Order. All Level IVs are free to be Guardians, but the position must be challenged for. Like the Spirit position, Guardians can only be challenged once every two weeks. The Guardian is displayed in the Temple.

When a Spirit/Guardian is challenged, the Spirit/Guardian picks whether the battle will be a debate or physical battle.

Please note: Each character may only hold one guardian position and one spirit position OR two spirit positions at a time.
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All images, plots, and writing copyright (c) Hoof Prince
Layout image (c) Nicole