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Character Information

Magic and Traits

Name: Breed: Air: Water:
Color: Height: Earth: Fire:
Sire: Dam: Electricity: Light:
Player: Traits: Darkness: Psychic:
Star Magic: Time:

Results for 'Mock':


Gender Male

Breed Hybrid

Color Black

Height 18hh

Sire Mocking Call

Dam Atom

Played by Mia

Magic Electricity II

Traits Blind In Left Eye, Deaf In Right Ear

Star Magic None

Mocking Call

Gender Male

Breed Spanish Norman

Color Grey

Height 18.1hh

Sire Unknown

Dam Unknown

Played by Mia

Magic Darkness I

Traits None

Star Magic None

All images, plots, and writing copyright (c) Hoof Prince
Layout image (c) Nicole