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Table of Contents

I. Losing Faith
II. Fire and Water
III. Explanations
IV. Birth of a Goddess, Death of a King
V. Family Tree
VI. Attack
VII. Death, Defeated
VIII. Flight of the Valkyries
IX. Conversations with Dead Kings
X. Conversations with Gods

Anathema - Conversations with Gods

The gods were watching everything unfold.

They had witnessed the conversation between father and son and watched as Dresden told his mother her dear King could return, but with help. So many of them chose to ignore the on goings of the mortals. Tazewell was too far into his mind to see that his powers were being used by another. Elyria could only watch as the future changed, the possibilities expanding further as the mortals continued to make the choices that affected them all. Courant had found peace with Altus and continued to watch over her Valkyries, a mother hen to her chickens. It was father and daughter, Brighton and Galadriel, who were the deepest involved with the on goings of their followers. They were the ones who could help them fullfill what they needed to do.

Brighton hadn’t known how he would tell Tia Maria what she needed to do until one of her own - a grandson, a son of Dresden - had came to his temple. Brighton had been impressed with the youth, his ambition and loyalty to the Emerald not ignored. Tiberius had been the pawn he needed, though, to keep the plan in motion. The main flaw of the mortals was that they could never think big enough, their connections to each other so tenuous that the moment someone left their line of vision they forgot they existed.

“I give you advice to take to Tia Maria.” Brighton had told Tiberius. “Tell her to seek out Marara, resident non-believer in the North. Tell her Marara has the key to her heart’s desires... But warn her also of this: Marara is not one to take lightly. She will need convincing for she has no great love of the Southern Kingdom. Force will do no good. Tell Tia Maria to reason with the white mare.”

Brighton watched as Tiberius relayed the information to the Opal Goddess quickly, finding some entertainment in the fact that the very mare who had denounced her elements because of him was the one he would be sending Tia Maria to.

Galadriel had been with him, watching. “I could have helped. I created Ophelia from the stars. I don’t see how bringing Zacharias back to life would be any different.” She had taken a soft spot for Zacharias long ago, his presence in her temple always a welcomed one.

“They must do this on their own. You must trust me.” Brighton answered, smiling at his daughter. All they could do now was to sit back, wait, and watch.

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All images, plots, and writing copyright (c) Hoof Prince
Layout image (c) Nicole