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Table of Contents

I. Losing Faith
II. Fire and Water
III. Explanations
IV. Birth of a Goddess, Death of a King
V. Family Tree
VI. Attack
VII. Death, Defeated
VIII. Flight of the Valkyries
IX. Conversations with Dead Kings
X. Conversations with Gods

Anathema - Fire and Water

The former Valkyrie Queen stood on a hill overlooking Scythia. It was so different than the jungle: there was nowhere to hide. Sasha couldn’t get her mind around being a Scythian Queen, ruling next to a King, let alone someone who had fought under the banner of Rajput. It would be a challenge - a challenge she wondered if even the followers of Elyria had seen coming.

“Your majesty?” The golden frame of Freya emerged from behind the hill, coming up and standing next to Sasha. Freya was among the small number of Valkyries who had followed Sasha to Scythia, the rest scattering among Hoof Prince. “Is there a plan?” Freya asked, looking over at the Queen.

“There is always a plan, Freya. But we must play Courant’s game for a little while longer. Is there any news of our King?” Sasha asked, looking at her trusted advisor.

“Taboo seems as though he wishes to make things work out between the Valkyries and the Rajputs. He is young.” Freya explained, having but little contact with the King.

“Young and naive.” Sasha added, her amethyst glowing as shadows circled around her. She wondered how long she would last on the throne here and how long it would take for the Valkyries to re-assemble, with our without the jungle.

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All images, plots, and writing copyright (c) Hoof Prince
Layout image (c) Nicole