Back to the Future ;;

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Table of Contents

I. The Past Becomes the Present
II. The History of Galadriel
III. Atlus
IV. Winds of Change
V. Time

The Brink - Time

"Momma?" The young filly stood, scared, looking at who she thought was her mother. The familiar form of Courant looked back at her confused. "Sweetie, I’m barely older than you are... I can help you find your Mom though..." She said, unsure for a moment but not wanting to send the filly back out into the world. Tazewell had been given some sort of power to control electricity and rumor had it Rencor had stolen power from the Oracle, making himself into some sort of god. She feared a little for the future of her world, her father growing more and more envious of the other lead stallions.

Looking over at her father talking with Brighton and Tazewell, she worried for the safety of the filly for reasons deeper than she could explain. "Come on, follow me." She said quickly, urging the filly deeper into Rushing Rivers. "I know someone who can help you. She's from a different time, from what I hear..." She said matter-of-factly, following the familiar scent of Arianah to a part of the herd land she rarely traveled to. "Arianah, this filly.. She is lost. Brighton and Tazewell are here, I do not want anything to happen to her." Courant said before galloping back to her father.

"Aprilia." Arianah said with a smile, feeling as though her mission would be ending soon. She wanted nothing more than to come home, to lead the Silver Lakes and to pledge her alliance to Altus once more. "Arianah..." She said, looking confused. "What's happened... What did I do?" She hung her head in shame, knowing it was her fault somehow. "It's fine, dear. You can fix this. You can help us go back to the future."

"I don’t know how... I’m not strong enough! I got scared and..."

Shouts scared them, the small group that gathered around Arianah ran to see what had happened. Courant stood in front of her father, Tazewell looking wide-eyed and anxious. Brighton hung his head slightly, remorse etched into his features though he said nothing. "Take my daughter instead." Rhydus said, wounds covering large parts of his body. "I am sorry, old friend." Brighton said, "I did not mean to do that much damage." Aprilia looked at Arianah then back at Courant, knowing in her heart it was her mother. "She can rejoin her mother this way. She'll be happier." The lead stallion sounded proud and happy, his ambitious and selfishness getting in his way. "I’ll gladly go in his place, Tazewell. I am ready to die."

"Momma, No!" Aprilia yelled, watching as Tazewell covered Courant with a ball of electricity.

Paduan, too, screamed, coming out of the woods on the other side of them. Anger radiated off of his body, not wanting to believe what he saw. He had loved Courant for some time, now, despite knowing she was promised to Altus who was supposed to be his best friend. He could not help his feelings for the young mare, her passion for life and for fighting for what she believed in reeling him in quicker than he thought possible. To see her body laying there, dead at the hands of Tazewell because her father did not want to pay his own life... It was enough to drive anyone mad.

"How dare you kill her for him." Paduan growled, looking at Tazewell like a madman. "He's nothing but a coward. She was young, she had her whole life ahead of her!" Paduan yelled. "What do you suggest then?" Tazewell asked, wide Cheshire-cat grin looming in the darkness. "Give her back, take me instead." Tazewell laughed. "So many, too many, sacrifices today. Maybe some other time." Tazewell said, laughing harder still.

"There is no need for that, Paduan." The soft voice said as the woman appeared before them. She reached down and touched Courant, a sapphire placed in her neck that glowed brightly. Courant opened her eyes and jumped up, confused for a moment. "You are safe now, Courant. No longer can you by slain at the hands of any mortal or god. You are now a goddess, the goddess of water. Your courage and willingness to give your life for your father's is nearly unmatchable." Delphinium said, walking over to Paduan. She placed a red ruby at his chest, watching it glow as it touched his skin. "Paduan, Tazewell cannot take your life instead of Courant's for you, too, are now a god. You reign over fire for your passion for Courant, your braveness and willingness to self-sacrifice." She said with a smile, turning to Brighton. "You were the one who suggested that Rhydus offer up his own daughter instead of letting Tazewell take him. For that, I bind you to the earth. You will feel everything the earth feels - every sigh, every pain. This is your penance, Brighton." She said, watching the Emerald attatch itself to Brighton.

"Tazewell, your debt still needs to be paid off. Take Rhydus." Delphinium said with a smile before disappearing. Tazewell smiled, engulfing the lead stallion in a ball of electricity and disappearing along with Delphinium leaving the three newly-named gods. They looked at each other, confused, wondering what this all would mean for their futures.

It was a shame Aprilia and Arianah never saw any of this, the shock of seeing her mother killed letting Aprilia feel enough power to pull them all back to the moment in time from which she came.

Nothing would be the same.

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All images, plots, and writing copyright (c) Hoof Prince
Layout image (c) Nicole