Back to the Future ;;

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Table of Contents

I. The Past Becomes the Present
II. The History of Galadriel
III. Atlus
IV. Winds of Change
V. Time

The Brink - Winds of Change

Delphinium watched all that was happening in Hoof Prince form her mind, her eyes closed as the various scenes played out in her head. The young Courant, so firey in her ways and already rebelling against herdlife. There was Paduan who was complacent as a beta stallion, his passion for Courant growing upon their every encounter. Look at Tazewell! How sane he was back then, his mind untouched by power. The Oracle worried that the future would no longer be the same future of those that left - she could not help them in this venture. It was up to the mortals to figure out what happened, to figure out how to get Aprilia to bring them back to the time in which they came.

What the mortals did not realize was that they were changing everything by questioning things. Some of them, their minds were wiped clean - they were just another member of one of the herds, with no memory of gods or elements. It was the ones who remembered, who were looking for others who remembered and were questioning the way things were, who could not help but show reverence to the ones they called gods.

She wondered if new gods would end up emerging, or if the past would continue to take it's course.

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All images, plots, and writing copyright (c) Hoof Prince
Layout image (c) Nicole