Back to the Future ;;

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Table of Contents

I. The Past Becomes the Present
II. The History of Galadriel
III. Atlus
IV. Winds of Change
V. Time

The Brink - The Past Becomes The Present

Arianah moved through the vistas, a small group behind her. She had encountered Brighton lounging in the Silver Lakes, claiming that he was the leader, his mate the Queen. Her elemental stones, including the diamond she cherished, were all missing. Something was not right. It was as if they had fallen asleep and all woken up, together, in this strange dream world when the gods were still mortals. Where was Delphinium, or Aprilia? She would figure it out, figure out a way to wake herself up from this awful nightmare.

In another part of the vistas, Axel, son of Rhone and Arianah, moved slowly though he too was contemplating this strange change. He had forgotten everything, went on living life as this was normal - until he ran into his mother. From that moment, he had remembered what it had been like living in his Hoof Prince, to be the Prince of the Silver Lakes and the follower of... He suddenly collided with a dark bay mare, feeling abashed as he did so. "I'm so sorry... I didn't hurt you, did I?" he asked quickly, unsure if the mare's stallion was nearby. He was already in unfamiliar territory, even though these were the vistas. "No, no, I’m fine." She answered, her voice familiar to him. "I’m Axel... Can I ask your name?" He said, watching her eagerly feeling like he knew her from somewhere. "Of course. My name is Elryia, and I live under Brighton in the Silver Lakes."

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Layout image (c) Nicole