Watch the waters rise ;;

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Table of Contents

I. Courant's Strife
II. Elyria's Warning
III. Scythia
IV. The Rain

The Flood - The rain

Dark clouds filled the sky all over Hoof Prince, unleashing a rain that would not end for what seemed like weeks. Herd lands flooded, forcing those who sought to live outside of Kingdoms to kneel before their Kings and Queens.

The Valkyrie jungle disappeared completely, the volcano the Rajputs lived under also becoming submerged under the flood waters. The sisters and brothers were ushered to their new home in highlands, a green plateau that resembled neither the jungle or the desert.

It’s unknown how many perished in the Flood, or how long the rains lasted. From the Crossing, Courant watched and waited to see how long it would take the mortals to come. She knew they would question her, demanding answers, not realizing the statement she was making.

Hopefully they would learn their lesson.

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All images, plots, and writing copyright (c) Hoof Prince
Layout image (c) Nicole