Watch the waters rise ;;

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Table of Contents

I. Courant's Strife
II. Elyria's Warning
III. Scythia
IV. The Rain

The Flood - Elyria's Warning

“You cannot go through with this plan.” The dark bay mare stood at the mouth of the water goddess’ temple, her citrine emitting a warm glow. “It will not end well.”

The water goddess laughed, shaking her head. “So this is what brings the mighty Elyria out from her temple.” Courant stayed in the warm water the end of her temple, the sounds of water falling down the marble walls filling the spaces in between their words.

“You are flirting with disaster, Courant. I have Seen it.” Elyria warned again, taking another few steps into the temple.

“Does it not anger you, the way the mortals treat us - treat you? You give them your power and they can not even be bothered to serve you in your temple. Instead they use your power to help them get closer to Opal. They use us, Elyria. It’s disgusting.” Courant moved out of the warm water, drops falling back to the floor. She needed Elyria to understand, to see the good behind what she was planning.

“You let your mortal emotions control you. It’s not good. It’s making all of us weaker. Look at Altus, at Brighton - they have given into their emotions and forgotten who they are and what their position means. Perhaps this is why the mortals treat us like equals.” She suggested, standing still while she watched Courant towards her.

Looking down, Courant let Elyria’s words influence her thoughts. She knew there was truth behind the Psychic Goddess’ words, but the plans were already in motion. She knew she was letting herself get caught up in her relationship with Paduan, her pain for Altus.

“It’s too late. The plan is already in motion.”

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All images, plots, and writing copyright (c) Hoof Prince
Layout image (c) Nicole