Genesis ;;

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Table of Contents

I. The Birth of a God
II. Rencor's Confession
III. Synyster's Quest
IV. Fire and Ice
V. After the Storm
VI. Amber
VII. Genesis

Genesis - The Birth of a God

A sweat drenched Courant paced outside the Oracle’s home, worry filling her mind. Her child was growing fast – too fast for everything to be alright. Arianah, Rapier, and Viriarus were there waiting for their elements or their chance to speak with Delphinium – at the moment she was unsure and did not care. Delphinium, having sensed the water goddess’ presence rushed out of her cottage with a concerned look on her face.


She asked, ignoring the presence of the mortals. She knew they were here for trivial things – new elemental stones or friendly visits – it was very rare that the deities came to visit her.

"My's been too short for it to come!" Courant gasped, her breath becoming labored as contractions moved through her body.

"Your child has a new power Hoof Prince has never seen before, one more powerful than I imagined it would be. Come, your child has decided it's time to come into the world." Delphinium said, moving towards her garden. The cold winter weather had all but killed her once beautiful plants and flowers, but would now serve as a safe birth place for Courant's baby.

"Wait... Paduan isn't here yet. He needs to be here..." Courant said, sounding anxious.

Delphinium looked at her as she stood at the gate of her garden, finding Courant to be suprisingly out of character. "Viriarus, Guardian of Altus and Queen of the Valkyries... Use your wings to go get Paduan. You are the only one who could reach him with time to spare." Delphinium said, her attention shifting to Arianah and Rapier. "Stay here and stand guard. Only let Paduan, Elyria, or Galadriel through if they come." She said sternly, her attention back on Courant who had just laid down as her contractions started quickening.

After what felt like an eternity, Courant felt the contractions coming quicker and the child moving through her. "A few more pushes Courant, then she'll be out." Delphinium said encouragingly, watching the mare but not touching.

"She?" Courant asked, looking at Delphinium as another wave of pain washed over her.

"Yes, Courant... She."

Laying her head back down, Courant concentrated and pushed a few more times. Arianah and Rapier watched on, each with their own mix of fascination and elation. Arianah was thrilled to be a part of this, to witness the birth of Courant's child! But Rapier found this trip to visit the Oracle much more useful to her than getting a new element.

As Courant pushed out the child, cleaned her off, and announced her name (Aprilia) Rapier retreated into the shadows that the quickly setting sun naturally offered and headed east.

To Rencor's temple.

Next Chapter >>
All images, plots, and writing copyright (c) Hoof Prince
Layout image (c) Nicole