Genesis ;;

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Table of Contents

I. The Birth of a God
II. Rencor's Confession
III. Synyster's Quest
IV. Fire and Ice
V. After the Storm
VI. Amber
VII. Genesis

Genesis - Fire and Ice

"Are you really leaving?" she asked, watching him intently as dawn spread long pink finger tips across the sky.

"You left." He said sharply, his eyes on the edge of the lake.

You’re right; I have no place to say anything." She said bitterly, turning away from him.

The mare was hurt and upset, which was apparent in her voice and body language. He remained looking at the shores of the lake, seemingly mesmerized by the way the waves lapped upon the shore.

"Everything that I touch turns to ash. My blind desire to protect something that does not even exist brought Hell to Paradise. This world has had enough of me."

Turning back to him, she kept her head low.

"I’m never going to forget you. You’ll always be here, in my heart."

A soft wind blew around her, caressing her softly. He smiled, albeit sadly.

"You are one memory that can never fade. The details may go, the rain might take the etchings from the marble but the strength of it will still exist. My time here is over… this world does not need another monster."

Lifting her head up, she looked at him with indignation. "I see you as a flawed man, but a man who knows compassion and love. I know this because you let me know you. Let them know you… give them a chance."

Looking at her, he shook his head once more. "They will never see me the way you see me."

He paused for a moment and moved closer to her, the rising sun illuminating their silhouettes. He reached out and touched her softly, letting his nose skim the side of her face.

"Ou fay te loari, Farwyn." He whispered in Ancient, his face still touching hers.

As small, silver tears fell down her face, she whispered softly back: "I love you too."

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All images, plots, and writing copyright (c) Hoof Prince
Layout image (c) Nicole