Genesis ;;

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Table of Contents

I. The Birth of a God
II. Rencor's Confession
III. Synyster's Quest
IV. Fire and Ice
V. After the Storm
VI. Amber
VII. Genesis

Genesis - Rencor's Confession

Altus stood at the edge of the mountain cliff, his head lowered and eyes closed. A dark figure stood behind him, watching the deity with sick amusement.

"She never loved you Altus, it's obvious in the child she created with him." Rencor said, smiling handsomely.

Lifting his head, Altus looked at the god of darkness as anger flashed across his face like lightning. "And you... She made a child with you as well."

Rencor, ever the clever man just let his grin grow wider. "Oh, that? Don't let it get to you, Altus. She is a game to me; she's no better than any overly bred mortal mare. I just enjoy...torturing her, that's all."

Turning fully on Rencor, a strong wind rushed over the mountain face blowing pieces of snow around them.

"That's where you're wrong, Rencor. She is the reason I'm here still; she's my entire world. If you had any ounce of goodness in your soul, you would understand." His voice was loud and seemingly shook the base of the mountain.

Rencor laughed.

"Then your world has ended. She's with Paduan now, and obviously happy; can't you see how mild the winter has been? She doesn't need you... She doesn't want you anymore." Rencor said, his voice growing lower. "I have a way to get back at her, to make her hurt more than you do."

At this, Altus raised his voice, looking at Rencor defiantly. "Get out of my temple. If you do anything to hurt her again, I swear it will be the last thing you do."

Again, Rencor laughed.

"I doubt that."

Then, he was gone leaving Altus standing at the cliff watching Hoof Prince below.

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Layout image (c) Nicole