Genesis ;;

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Table of Contents

I. The Birth of a God
II. Rencor's Confession
III. Synyster's Quest
IV. Fire and Ice
V. After the Storm
VI. Amber
VII. Genesis

Genesis - Synyster's Quest

The dark, dappled form of the former Rajput King limped slowly into the area surrounding Rencor’s temple, the smell of burnt flesh and blood following him as he moved. It was dark and wooded, shadows hanging like low fog among the trees. The God of Darkness had called for him, finding that – with recent events – Synyster’s debt to him could finally be repaid. As Synyster stopped before the broken down structure that was Rencor’s temple, a low maniacal laugh filled his ears and sent shivers down his spine. Some shadows peeled back to reveal the forms of Discord and Adolf standing off to the side, watching him with the slightest hint of amusement on their faces.

They knew why he had been summoned here, even if he did not.

"Synyster," A deep voice called from within the temple

"I’m so glad you could join us. The time has come for you to finally repay your debt to me. I’m sure you remember our bargain." Rencor said, materializing at the edge of the temple. Courant has had her child – Paduan’s child – and I think it would be a rather nice collection to our army don’t you think? He asked, grinning madly.

"…I…" Synyster began, only to be interrupted.

"I don’t care what you think. Either bring me the child, or you’ll find yourself… a very grave man."; He said, his last words drowned out by laughter.

Apollyon lurked in the darkness, watching the scene unfold. If Synyster was unable to complete the task assigned to him, the demi-god would.

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All images, plots, and writing copyright (c) Hoof Prince
Layout image (c) Nicole