Genesis ;;

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Table of Contents

I. The Birth of a God
II. Rencor's Confession
III. Synyster's Quest
IV. Fire and Ice
V. After the Storm
VI. Amber
VII. Genesis

Genesis - Genesis

Aprilia moved through the area between her mother's temple and her father's, wanting to go talk to her father and find out more about the element she would grow up to control. The strange looking creature (who her mother had called 'Delphinium') had told her she controlled Time and that she would - one day - master it. She wasn't allowed to experiment with it, but would have to go talk to Delphinium and learn how to control it. Though, being her mother and father's child defiance obviously ran thickly in her blood. She would play around, here and there, without anyone noticing - setting birds back in flight, and snow back into the clouds and watching it fall again. This, of course was what she was doing when she came across the tall stallion headed in the direction of the water temple.

"Hi!" She said brightly, her voice still so much like a cherub's. "Who are you? Are you going to see my mother?"

Innocence filled Aprilia's face, her eyes growing large with excitement.

The dark form grinned, shadows curling out around them. "I am Apollyon."

Shadows continued to surround them, Aprilia's eyes changing from bright innocence to fear.

"What are you doing, why...?" She asked, fear filling her voice.

Suddenly, the form of Apollyon shifted and where the tall horse once stood was the form of a panther. As the shadows cleared, the screaming form of Aprilia could be seen running while her Amber was like beacon in the night.

Then, she pulled us back... back to the beginning.

She wasn't aware of what she had done, or the grave misjudgment she had made when trying to use her element to run away from the snarling jungle cat that had been chasing after her. She had only been trying to save herself, and in doing so took Hoof Prince back to a time when no deities ruled over us and no kingdoms were at war. This, of course is where our story begins...


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All images, plots, and writing copyright (c) Hoof Prince
Layout image (c) Nicole