Watch the waters rise ;;

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Table of Contents

I. Courant's Strife
II. Elyria's Warning
III. Scythia
IV. The Rain

The Flood - Scythia

“What would become of our warring nations?” Paduan asked, standing lazily in the shadow of Courant’s temple. Waves crashed on the beach shore and he could not care less - finally he had found peace with his position, with the world he lived in. His pet kingdom, the Rajputs, were kingless and nearly empty. He had little use of them now that he had found peace with the water goddess.

Courant smiled, the warmth of the sun filling her immortal soul with some hope in the place of Elyria’s warning. “They work together on everything else, I don’t see how putting them together in one place would change things. If our daughter can be so amazing, I don’t see how a kingdom birthed of our minds would do any less.”

Paduan laughed, agreeing with her. But he wondered how long the peace could last.

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All images, plots, and writing copyright (c) Hoof Prince
Layout image (c) Nicole