The Fall of the Dieties ;;

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Table of Contents

I. Ayumi
II. The Return of Sin
III. The Violation of Ayumi
IV. Left to Die & Living in Shadows
V. An Unknown Friend
VI. The Pursuit of Memories
VII. The Temple of Galadriel
VIII. Rurutia
IX. Fooling A God
X. Retracing the Hoof Prints
XI. The Truth About Gobardon
XII. Hell on Earth
XIII. Reign of Darkness
XIV. Smothering the Flame
XV. Blocking the Light
XVI. A Shocking End
XVII. Air and Water
XVIII. A Liquid Confrontation
XIX. Guardian and Deity
XX. Fading Away
XXI. Mindfreeze
XXII. A Calming Effect
XXIII. When Peace Becomes War
XXIV. The Final Battle
XXV. One Last Message

The Fall of the Dieties - The Truth about Gobardon

Labyrinth and Gasoline watched from the seats of the theatre, Rurutia was the heroine who crossed the stage. She was like Anne Boleyn accepting her fate; fear could not describe her. She moved with the grace of those who have moved on for she had been in that company not too long ago. Her silky mane flicked slightly with her steps and her Rocky Mountain body was hardy and strong; she was truly a beautiful female.

The hush of the forest only made the sound of Gobardon’s presence more intimidating and no presence had quite a sound. When he walked, the Earth moved to his will. When he spoke, from the depths of the soil came an answering roar. When he slept, the ground became his night-time sentinels. No sun reflected off of his fiery pelt, but the vibrant color still showed even in this dim environment. Each muscle moved perfectly as if instructed by dance professionals. Like her, he was beautiful.

His inner hideousness made him infamous. More of his blood roamed Hoof Prince than the lines of any other stallion in history. Most of his partners had been taken by force and most of his enemies broken by that same force. Raw power radiated from him and it was common knowledge that mercy did not exist in his heart.

Labyrinth and Gasoline tensed as the Sinner’s dark eyes left his meal and fell upon the body of Rurutia. The two audience members expected the Sinner to casually chew on his mouthful of food, to slowly smirk, and to ultimately, make a move on such a tasty treat for the eyes. They expected him to mock her, to try to get a fight out of her so that he would have an excuse to do some heavy damage. Gobardon was known for his mouth. He liked to cause trouble. Surely, he would pick on this mare. Surely, he would renew some of those long-forgotten differences.

Rurutia?, came his voice gently.

Shock kept Labyrinth and Gasoline still. The voice that came from Gobardon did not seem like his voice at all. There was nothing sinister or sardonic in its tone and his body language had changed with his intonation. His guard was down and the Earth was silent.

Rurutia.., his voice was a whisper. Oh God…Rurutia…

Where Gobardon had became weak, Rurutia seemed to have gained strength. As the Sinner was lost for words for the first time in recent history, Rurutia’s voice cut through the moment with a cold slice, Gobardon. It seems like you have not changed.

The next part of the conversation was lost to her memory for Labyrinth became suddenly distracted by a groan from Gasoline. As she made to hush him, fear paralyzed her. His eyes had rolled to whites and his body was slowly sinking to the Earth. Like a possessed victim, he groaned again as a violent shiver shook his tiny body. Gasoline!, she whispered urgently. What is going on?

As her nose touched his cheek, the trees blurred around them. Sunlight pierced their eyes painfully for they had grown accustomed to the darkness of the Isles. The songs of birds was earsplitting as Labyrinth realized that they were standing, once again, in the bushes as if hiding.


Labyrinth turned to Gasoline’s voice and saw that the Fell Pony was standing quietly, apparently unharmed and unmoved by his violent spell in the Isles. Gasoline! What happened? You went all funny and then you teleported us!

He shook his head, I did not teleport us. I have never been here.

This is the Silver Lakes, Gasoline. Why would you take us here if you have never been here?

I did not take us here!

The sound of a coming horse stopped their conversation and both of them moved closer as a young, crimson stallion seemed to be walking through the forest, attempting to keep his presence secret. Nearby, they noticed a huge black Friesian grazing peacefully, his tail occasionally flicking as those bothersome six-legged pests. He seemed to be ignorant of the younger stallion’s presence and the younger stallion kept his ears twisted to the older male’s direction.

There was something about the young stallion that seemed familiar, but Labyrinth could not place it. His legs were lengthy and, by his build, he suggested strength that would come in the next year or two. His eyes were dark and his strides seemed to blend perfectly with the Earth, as if friends with it.

It suddenly dawned on her; they were looking at a younger version of Gobardon.

Gasoline! she whispered urgently. You have taken us into their memories!

The tip of his nose twitched and his eyes took in his surroundings. There was nothing to suggest truth in her statement for the image was very vibrant, but when he looked toward the distant mountains, he saw it. Parts of the mountains blurred and jumped, like a film roll with tears. This was a memory and, by the looks of the mountains, Gobardon’s age was causing it to fade.

I cannot believe it… he said softly, his small, feminine body wishing to explore, but not wanting to be noticed. My power…it finally has become, well, powerful.

It is the rarest Element, Labyrinth whispered. Of course, it is powerful.

His ear twitched in agitation as he faced her. Really? So, when in battle, I can throw a waterball? I can numb the senses with Electricity? Oh! How about I split the Earth to make you fall into an abyss?

There is nothing powerful about my gift….save for now. I know…I know what it can be used for.

I can find out the secrets. I can know someone’s true weakness. I can bring anyone down if I can break into their mind.

And…I can change the past.

Labyrinth gasped, You mustn’t! You could destroy our world! The past happens for a reason. We cannot risk everything changing from what you think is best for Hoof Prince. The slightest difference could end up with all of us dead.

You’re right, he said, though his eyes were still distant. That would be….irresponsible.

Best not to argue with those who would never understand. She had not given birth unnaturally.

A snapping of a stick, always the sound of an intruder, caused Labyrinth, Gasoline, and the black Friesian to look suddenly toward the creeping Gobardon. Within seconds, the black Friesian was shoving Gobardon from the forest and the young stallion was sent stumbling over his own limbs. Gobardon stood, shaking in his fright and anger as the dark giant stood before him.

What are you doing here, Son of Fleshblade? The voice was deep and powerful. This was obviously a kingdom official.

Duke Eclipse… The young, timid voice was nothing like the voice of the adult Gobardon. I…I was coming to see Flame. For guidance…I needed his guidance.

A lying tongue is a dying tongue, Eclipse quoted one of the many verses for Hoof Prince lore. You know that your family is not welcomed here.

My family sits on the throne! I am the great-grandson of the King! The injustice of his situation was written clearly on his young face.

Eclipse shook his head, Any offspring from the line of Ronin has been exiled for the Northern kingdom. You have known this since birth.

I was innocent at birth!

As was Ronin, he said quietly, ignoring the tears that were beginning to flow down Gobardon’s face. I will escort you to the border. You do not have to return home, but you cannot stay here.

Just let me talk to Flame…, Gobardon pleaded. I am not like my father or my grandfather. Let me study under Horatio!

Eclipse shook his head, The Elder of the North has no time for the sinister plans of a fallen enemy. Get thee home.


Come now!


The scene changed. The trees blurred again and wind whipped at their faces as another memory began to play and Gobardon stood not far from them. He was older and a fresh wound was on his right shoulder. He had earned his first scar.

Through the years, he had gained more skill in the art of slinking through the outskirts of an enemy land. He stood in silence as another horse that looked remarkably like Gobardon stood before a group of students. As the other stallion spoke, the group listened intently, each word being taken in greedily. More feminine and gentle than Gobardon, the other stallion paced as he spoke, completely unaware of his great-nephew who stood not far from his outdoor classroom.

The pursuit of knowledge should always be taken at a gallop, Horatio said, his voice softer than the breeze of spring. Without knowledge, we have no weapons against the torments of our world. What is the warrior without experience? What is the King without regal command? What is the student without his topics?

Elder Horatio, a young Rurutia spoke up. When pursuing knowledge, when do we decide that the pursuit of knowledge must be set aside in order to deal with the torments of life?

Life is not tormenting; we make it that way. Horatio smiled warmly. If we continue to pursue knowledge, knowledge itself will help us deal with our worldly problems.

A rumbling of another student’s stomach made Horatio chuckle, Like hunger. You may break for a few hours, my friends. We shall meet again when the sun is above the southern lake.

As the group dispersed, Gobardon made a noise that was very similar to the sound of a whippoorwill. Not native to the Lakes, Rurutia picked it up immediately and began to slowly make her way toward the trees. She waited long after the others had disappeared before she stepped into Gobardon’s embrace.

I thought that that fool would never shut up, Gobardon said with a wide grin on his face. One more minute of that and I would have puked enough to blow my cover.

Rurutia glared and nudged him roughly, Do not speak that way of Elder Horatio. His knowledge of the Ancients and this world are simply envious.

I thought that a Student of the Earth was not supposed to feel envious.

Rurutia smiled and pushed him again, She is not supposed to have boyfriends either.


The scene stayed the same, but the sun disappeared and snow covered the ground. The smell of fire was strong and a faint glow lingered on the eastern horizon even though dawn was hours away. A stallion stood not far from them and, for a moment, they thought that it was Gobardon, but closer inspection revealed that this stallion was of pure Thoroughbred breeding. He paced and then looked to the South. He did this for a good twenty minutes before Gobardon made his presence.

You sent for me? Gobardon said bitterly. The Lakes are at war and you send for me. This better be important because I have no time to hear about your petty love affair with Rurutia, Man O’ War.

And I will not be discussing it, Man O’ War said quickly. Like you, I have no time to time about who deserves her.

We know that it is me.

Gobardon…please…you need to listen to me. Man O’ War said, his eyes once again looking to the South. Ronin is back. He has invaded the southern border. Horatio sleeps and Flame was supposed to go into his sleep at dawn. I do not think that he has the strength to ward off Ronin.

Come on, Ponyboy. Flame is an Ancient. He could easily destroy Ronin.

Man O’ War shook his head, No. Not now. Most of the ceremonies were completed. Flame has been weakened. Your father is helping Ronin, you know. Most of the Lakes thinks that you are out there with them.

No…I am here chatting with you as if this were a pleasant spring day.

Please, Gobardon. Listen. Flame thinks that you are here, but Ronin knows that you are not.


Ronin also knows about your love for Rurutia. He has the ability to possess the mind and I think that he had possessed yours.

Rurutia? Gobardon’s stubborn streak was gone as fear froze him. Where is she?

Man O’ War sighed, The Isles…I think she is dead.

Gobardon shook his head and took a few steps backward. Lies! Lying is dying! Listen to your own creed! You want me to go to the Isles! You want me to be seen with my father so that I would forever be exiled and you can take her for yourself. I know of your plan! I am not stupid!

You are stupid! Man O’ War screamed. She is dying and you are here! Go to her! You are the great-grandson of Flame. Surely you can do something!

Yes! I can stay here until the rest of the females come out from hiding. I am not about to throw my life away.

You are a fool! Why must you always act like this?

Because this is how I survive! Gobardon’s voice was straining, becoming more hoarse with every word. Blood dripped from his lips as he broke blood vessels in his throat. I am the rejected child of Flame! I am the cursed grandson of Ronin and the hated son of Fleshblade. I am evil incarnate before I could walk! Don’t you DARE tell me that I am the fool when your precious King cannot even understand the concept of individual thought.

Man O’ War stared and the fire’s light reflected off of the tears on his cheek, You will let her die?

Gobardon stared back and shook his head, She does not need to be saved.


It seemed like ice water was dumped on them as they were ripped back into reality. For a moment, they still thought themselves to be in a memory, for Gobardon’s voice was becoming more strained, but this Gobardon was heavily scarred and his eyes were desperate. His eyes were like the ones that he wore when he begged Eclipse to let him see his great-grandfather.

I did all of this for you. Why can you not accept that?

You forced yourself upon women for me? Rurutia asked, her voice rising for the first time since Labyrinth met her. Yes. I feel your love, Gobardon.

I did it for you, he spat. Each time that my blood reproduced, I grew stronger. If I became the God of Opal, I might have had the ability to bring you back.

What about Ayumi?! What about her, Gobardon? How could you?

Gobardon seemed to growl, I. DID. IT. FOR. YOU.

She was me!

Silence suddenly came between them as they stared and Labyrinth and Gasoline did not dare to exhale. On Gobardon’s face, his inner struggle was apparent as he tried to cope with the information being fed to him. He made to say something, but stopped. Instead, he looked toward the forest, right about where Labyrinth and Gasoline were standing. She felt her heart stop.

Rurutia… The hoarseness in his voice revealed that he was crying. I didn’t know…oh God…I didn’t know.

It should not have mattered, she said, still firm. She had no pity for his crybaby antics. You have become a monster.

I just wanted you back…I just wanted you…

Rurutia turned away, obviously disgusted. Her head dropped, her thoughts apparently causing her distress. When she finally did face him, her eyes betrayed her intentions. She was a jury giving out a death sentence.

You are to go on with your life, Gobardon. I cannot love you. I cannot love you because you have revealed what you are.

You are truly the grandson of Ronin.

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All images, plots, and writing copyright (c) Hoof Prince
Layout image (c) Nicole