The Fall of the Dieties ;;

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Table of Contents

I. Ayumi
II. The Return of Sin
III. The Violation of Ayumi
IV. Left to Die & Living in Shadows
V. An Unknown Friend
VI. The Pursuit of Memories
VII. The Temple of Galadriel
VIII. Rurutia
IX. Fooling A God
X. Retracing the Hoof Prints
XI. The Truth About Gobardon
XII. Hell on Earth
XIII. Reign of Darkness
XIV. Smothering the Flame
XV. Blocking the Light
XVI. A Shocking End
XVII. Air and Water
XVIII. A Liquid Confrontation
XIX. Guardian and Deity
XX. Fading Away
XXI. Mindfreeze
XXII. A Calming Effect
XXIII. When Peace Becomes War
XXIV. The Final Battle
XXV. One Last Message

The Fall of the Dieties - One Last Message

He recognized the linnet immediately for it had been there during Edward’s many journeys to the Earth Temple. It spoke of something urgent, something beyond the control of mortals, but when it quieted and finally slept, Edward finally understood its meaning.

The chill had tightened his skin to the point that it stretched and the air was so cold that it stabbed the back of his throat as he gasped for the sight before him was beyond what he had ever witnessed. Faster than natural, ice began to branch out and thicken over the surface of the seven bodies that made up the Silver Lakes. He stepped back at the shores of Marble Lake, the largest of the seven, and his mouth opened in shock as the lake become solid enough to support his weight. Shaking his head, he moved backwards toward the forest.

It was autumn, but autumn was not supposed to freeze leaves midflight or kill the animals who were supposed to be readying for hibernation for the corpse of a frozen grizzly bear was the more terrifying of the sights.

A rumble in the distance caught his attention and Edward closed his eyes it shook beneath his hooves. His body bent as he fought to stay standing and he prayed, oh did he pray, to his Deity, asking only for survival.

As quickly as it came, it ended, and Edward slowly opened his eyes. The quiet of the night surprised him as the sun had disappeared and the moon was barely at a quarter. He looked toward the ground and his heart fell. He felt defeated.

He saw the crystallized corpse of the butterfly.

This is our story.

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All images, plots, and writing copyright (c) Hoof Prince
Layout image (c) Nicole