The Fall of the Dieties ;;

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Table of Contents

I. Ayumi
II. The Return of Sin
III. The Violation of Ayumi
IV. Left to Die & Living in Shadows
V. An Unknown Friend
VI. The Pursuit of Memories
VII. The Temple of Galadriel
VIII. Rurutia
IX. Fooling A God
X. Retracing the Hoof Prints
XI. The Truth About Gobardon
XII. Hell on Earth
XIII. Reign of Darkness
XIV. Smothering the Flame
XV. Blocking the Light
XVI. A Shocking End
XVII. Air and Water
XVIII. A Liquid Confrontation
XIX. Guardian and Deity
XX. Fading Away
XXI. Mindfreeze
XXII. A Calming Effect
XXIII. When Peace Becomes War
XXIV. The Final Battle
XXV. One Last Message

The Fall of the Dieties - The Pursuit of Memories

I know your secret.

Labyrinth stood in disbelief as the black Andalusian appeared from the dying bushes, towering above her own Arabian form.


Shadow Puppet laughed, You are brave to go against the wishes of Rapier.

She shook her head. The shock of it all seemed to drain her mind of possible explanations. Please. She cannot know. Ayumi…she was lost…she was homeless. I had to help her. Please understand that -

You worry too much, Shadow Puppet interrupted as a laugh escaped him. You forget where I reside. I have no intention in bringing you harm.

Then, what do you want? she said aggressively as her petite body became menacing for its size. Why must you play games? This is no time for that.

They were so much alike. She had The Game and he had Insomnia. Some would say that Labyrinth was claimed by the wrong side, but deep down, Shadow Puppet knew that everyone was similar. She just needed to see it.

I will not tell Rapier about you helping Ayumi, he said. Nor will I tell her about your little meeting today in the Vistas. All that you have to do is one thing.

And, what’s that?

Never go against the Distant Peaks. You have the heart of your leader. Make sure that his heart does not turn cold toward me.

I cannot control that.

Do you know how quickly a rumor flies?

Fine, I will try!


Ayumi’s health had improved and her coat shined in the weak sunlight as her face was upturned toward the heavens. Now that she was in a comfortable home, she often thought about the whereabouts of her children, Maugrim and Exposed, ended up and whether or not they had even survived. A rare smile played upon her lips as she turned to greet her only friend in the world, Labyrinth.

I am sorry about my tardiness, Labyrinth said, the bitterness of her encounter with Shadow Puppet still on her face.

That is alright, Labyrinth, Ayumi said, her voice unnaturally sweet. I was just enjoying what is left of the sunshine. What about you? Did you find what we needed?

Labyrinth nodded, Yes. I was told by Elyria that Galadriel will be able to Heal you. We can go there now and have it done before sunset. Just think, in a few hours, you will remember everything.

I hope that the memories are good, Ayumi said softly.

Yeah, Labyrinth agreed. Me too.


The confused Cinderella stared at Sirenne as if she had thrown soot in her face. Where did you go? You are Courant’s Guardian! We need you.

I had more important things to deal with, believe me, Sirenne said quickly as she began to catch her breath. I know about your problem.


It doesn’t matter! Sirenne stopped herself as she realized that she was being impatient. Sometimes, it was difficult to deal with those who were clueless. Just…we need to get to Galadriel before it is too late.


Do you not want Healed? God, why do I have to explain everything to you? A strong kick from the former Nightshade Queen broke the rest of the ice and sent Daniella tumbling to the ground. Now, pick yourself up before it is too late.

Too late for what?

Are you STILL asking me questions?!

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All images, plots, and writing copyright (c) Hoof Prince
Layout image (c) Nicole