The Fall of the Dieties ;;

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Table of Contents

I. Ayumi
II. The Return of Sin
III. The Violation of Ayumi
IV. Left to Die & Living in Shadows
V. An Unknown Friend
VI. The Pursuit of Memories
VII. The Temple of Galadriel
VIII. Rurutia
IX. Fooling A God
X. Retracing the Hoof Prints
XI. The Truth About Gobardon
XII. Hell on Earth
XIII. Reign of Darkness
XIV. Smothering the Flame
XV. Blocking the Light
XVI. A Shocking End
XVII. Air and Water
XVIII. A Liquid Confrontation
XIX. Guardian and Deity
XX. Fading Away
XXI. Mindfreeze
XXII. A Calming Effect
XXIII. When Peace Becomes War
XXIV. The Final Battle
XXV. One Last Message

The Fall of the Dieties - Fooling a God

The Ivory Queen stood on a platform of marble, utterly perplexed at the sight of the lifeless form before her and shaking quietly, a sister to all Valkyries, a mother to all female warriors. Her skin was tight, not accustomed to the cooler environment that existed beyond the reaches of the Valkyrie jungle, and her face was blank as her eyes studied the mass of horseflesh at her feet.

Ayumi was dead and she did not cause it.

Her perfect lips parted slightly as she nickered, hoping and dreading that the sound of Ayumi’s breathing would return, that she was only cold because autumn had fallen upon the Temple of Light.

But she had no such luck.

This was the night that Tazewell would seek her out and ask her about her progress in his mission to destroy something that was incapable of harming another, a mission given to kill something that refused to kill. She was at a loss on what to say when the stallion of electricity swooped down upon her with all of his might. Her eyes searched for Taj, but his bay splashed form was nowhere to be found.

So…someone beat you to the punch...

She stiffened, her ears revolving slowly to listen to a voice that radiated seemingly from the very air. A static smell caused her nostrils to flare to pinks and tiny hairs began to fly away from her mane.

A failed mission…a disrespectful action…

Her head dropped as she struggled in her mind to find words, but what could she say that would appease the fury of a god gone mad?

I have done no wrong here, Tazewell, she said, her voice surprisingly strong for her situation. Ayumi is dead, just like you wanted.

He was suddenly upon her and she involuntarily took a step backward as his spotted face was pressed against hers and his breath threatened to take hers away, By whose hand?!!! Who killed Ayumi?!

Her mouth opened and shut a few times before she responded, She’s dead…just like…

I told you to kill her…dearest Seduction….you and…him….Taj…you two were supposed to kill her! Where are her marks? She has not a scratch or bruise! WHERE IS HER BLOOD?!!

There will be no blood!

Silence filled the Temple of Light as Tazewell realized that the bold, yelling voice was not that of the Queen that he held in his clutches. Turning slowly away from her, his eyes fell upon Taj who stood firmly in the entrance with the sun upon his back.

No……blood? Tazewell asked slowly. You were supposed… kill….yes….you were supposed to kill her…

We did.

Panic suddenly rose within Seduction as she realized that Taj was attempting to lie to a deity, something that could easily cost them their lives. It mattered not that they stood in the Temple that offered a Healing hand toward warriors and victims for she could not see the gentle Galadriel fighting off the madman that was Tazewell.

You killed this mare? Tazewell asked, his voice betraying the doubt in him. This….mare? This one before me? You have killed her?

Seduction stood behind Tazewell with her eyes pleading. No one lies to a deity. No one dares to face their wrath. If Taj was going to risk his life, that was fine, but hers was also at stake.

Yes, Taj’s voice was smooth and his eyes blank. We killed Ayumi. Together.

Her heart dropped as Tazewell’s laughter filled the Temple and the echoing of it nearly drove her mad. The spotted God paced, his mouth opened in a bellowing laugh and his back turning toward Taj, who stood rigid despite his circumstance.

Suddenly, Tazewell whirled, bolts of lightning shooting toward the Temple walls as he got lover close to Taj. Killed her, you say? He smiled and suddenly licked the side of his face.

There was no reason for that action.

Tell me, Taj, how did you do it? She has not a mark on her. She appears perfectly healthy. She looks like life simply abandoned her. HOW?!

Tazewell’s question was followed by silence and Seduction’s heart seemed to have dropped into her stomach. Fear kept her from moving or even thinking and her eyes stared at Taj as his met hers…with every bit of confidence and nerve. For some reason, her fear subsided slightly.

We worked together, Taj began quietly.

Tazewell laughed and clicked his teeth, tiny bolts flashing in his smile. Do tell me how. PLEASE! Tell me how. His mockery was as thick as the static around him.

Taj exhaled and finally spoke, We chased her.

Really now?

Well, I chased her. Seduction was here…waiting for her.

Tazewell nodded, feigning a thoughtful face, I follow you. Yes, yes. You chased her and she…died without a scratch?

No, Taj said. I chased her in an effort to wear her down. She ran for miles before she collapsed here.

And then she died without a scratch?

I delivered the final blow, Seduction said suddenly, her voice oddly strong yet barely audible over the beating of her heart. Tazewell slowly turned toward her and she saw fear for the first time in Taj’s face.

And how did you do this, my Queen?

She swallowed and sighed, praying that this deity could not read thoughts. When she collapsed here, she was barely alive. She was weak and panting. While she attempted to regain her strength, I attacked. I sent just enough of a static charge to finish off her tired heart. I stopped it from beating. She will not roam again.

The God’s eye twitched and he leg spontaneously went into a slight convulsion. He took a few steps away from the pair, turning his back toward them as he walked toward the back of the Temple. Taj and Seduction moved closer together, feeling that they might have a chance working together in the event that this monster would turn on them. The silence was overwhelming and neither of them even dared to exhale.

You have completed your mission…

Blue electricity arced below him as his thoughts continued to run faster than he could handle. His great head shook and his spotted body was filled with spasms. Suddenly, he reared and a roar-like scream filled the Temple and shook the very foundation. With a flash, he was gone and Seduction and Taj were left with their rewards.

As they flexed their bodies, feeling their new strength, Seduction whispered as if fearing Tazewell’s prying ears, We lied, Taj. Do you have any idea how stupid that was?

You are a Valkyrie, Taj spat as he began to descend down the Temple’s stairs. I am certain that you have grown accustomed to the craft. He seemed strained, but Seduction could not understand his hositilities.

Valkyrie or not, no one can afford to go to war against a deity, she said, her voice rising in anger. Lying might be a craft but you are hardly a master. You must know when to lie and when to tell the truth. What are we to do if Tazewell discovers the truth? You never thought of that, did you? Do you actually think that you will be safe in YOUR kingdom? She laughed and, for a moment, she was an ivory version of Sirenne.

Taj whirled on her, his eyes livid, MY kingdom? Like yours is anything to brag about. Sure, you will make a truce with the North only if Rapier does not find out. At least my kingdom has the courage to openly oppose her instead of being her stooge.

She lunged toward him, but he stepped aside. They were not equals, but her anger made her deadly. You will never know what I face. You are just a Duke, a stooge of your monarchs. You are also a fake for you were once my friend and now you have turned enemy.

I became your enemy when I discovered that you would rather pretend to be my ally instead of facing the main enemy.

I am doing what is best for my people! Her voice echoed and It almost startled her. She could not believe that this was the same Taj that mourned over their divided loyalties, that promised to remember her after their mission had been completed. She could not help but feel a sense of loss.

So this is it? she asked carefully. We are enemies again.

That seems to be the case, he said deeply.

She lowered her eyes, the sadness of this decision surprising her. She never really thought about how much she had cared about Taj, but she was a Valkyrie. Her life could not be influenced by a man.

Then we shall meet again as enemies, she said, lifting her head bravely. And we shall not hold back.

Why should we?, he said. They stared at each other for a few moments, waiting for the other to back down, but each was more stubborn than the other. When the silence became too much to bear, they parted, each going to their respected kingdoms.

Each trying to think of someone else.

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All images, plots, and writing copyright (c) Hoof Prince
Layout image (c) Nicole