The Fall of the Dieties ;;

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Table of Contents

I. Ayumi
II. The Return of Sin
III. The Violation of Ayumi
IV. Left to Die & Living in Shadows
V. An Unknown Friend
VI. The Pursuit of Memories
VII. The Temple of Galadriel
VIII. Rurutia
IX. Fooling A God
X. Retracing the Hoof Prints
XI. The Truth About Gobardon
XII. Hell on Earth
XIII. Reign of Darkness
XIV. Smothering the Flame
XV. Blocking the Light
XVI. A Shocking End
XVII. Air and Water
XVIII. A Liquid Confrontation
XIX. Guardian and Deity
XX. Fading Away
XXI. Mindfreeze
XXII. A Calming Effect
XXIII. When Peace Becomes War
XXIV. The Final Battle
XXV. One Last Message

The Fall of the Dieties - An Unknown Friend

The Vistas, a place protected by the eye of Brighton and inhabited by those who do not wish to live with others or those who are rejected by the rest of the world.

The amniotic fluid still coated her legs and her foal was somewhere in the wilderness between the Valkyries kingdom and the common grounds of the Vistas. She could not look into the eyes of her daughter. She could not bring herself to care for the child. Exposed represented the only memories that she had, memories that were better left in the past, but she could not get rid of them. She had no other memories to take their place.

The leaves were falling in a crimson rain and the wind played with her flaxen mane; Ayumi tried to see the beauty in the world, but the world had only provided her with pain and fear. She still could not understand why she was here or why she could not remember herself. All that she knew was that she had lost the only home that she had ever known, the kingdom of the Valkyries.

Where Ayumi’s heart was battered, Labyrinth’s heart beat with a supply of affection from her leader, The Game. As the coal-stained beauty walked through the Vistas, her voice was that of a siren. All was attracted to her because her happiness was addicting. This mare did not fit the mold of a typical Southern resident. Love had changed her.

As a Spirit of Altus, Labyrinth’s strength with Air had grown impressively. She played with the leaves that covered the sodden ground and caused the trees to whisper as they moved. She even laughed as her Air power played with the mane of a stranger.

But her smile faded quickly upon seeing this beaten palomino and her nostrils flared as she smelled the strong scent of a recent birth. Tossing her head, she took a step backward, almost frightened by the pure defeat that made Ayumi’s eyes appear so sunken. She had never seen such a creature and could not help but approach her.

Death would not come to her, though she prayed to this…was Elyria her name? hard as she could. She could not imagine herself living for thirty years in such a dismal place and did not want to meet another one of those beasts. When Labyrinth approached her, Ayumi started. She screamed and bared her teeth even though she knew that this black stranger would easily defeat her.

Miss, you need not to fear me. Please.

Words of treachery. The Whisperer had appeared kind at first.

Miss, please. I am Labyrinth. I want to help you. Please, you seem hurt.

So, you wish to hurt me more? Ayumi said as she backed away, her back tensing with her anger.

No…I wish to help you. I can take you to a safe place.

There is no safety here….Lab-er-rinth

Labyrinth, honey. No, I know a place where you can go. They will welcome you there. Please.

The ebony vixen stood so elegantly in the weak sunlight while Ayumi appeared to be a girl without a touch of refinement. Labyrinth had always been more of a kingdom horse, but felt at home with the herds. She knew that helping Ayumi would be betraying the Queen of the South, but she could not imagine Ayumi being safe under the eye of Rapier.

There is a kingdom here where the water is sweet. A few days there might make you stronger. It is a kingdom of Light and everyone is very kind. They will take care of you. They will try to Heal you.

Does that sound okay, honey?

Just, tell me your name.

Was it really her name? She could never know, but this rare kindness caught Ayumi off guard. She could not consider whether or not she was lying. For the first time, trust was blossoming in her.

My name is Ayumi…..Labyrinth.


Daniella had not slept for days. As her worn body moved through the jungle, her eyes darted to follow the movements of the shadows that tailed her. She could not grow accustomed to their presence, though she had tried. They brought about a feeling of hopelessness. They refused to even allow her to rest. These were not mortals. They were something from the world of the Deities.

But why would Rencor allow them to attack her?

A snap of a stick was like gunfire and Daniella stumbled, the Cinderella had tripped over her gown. Panic filled her being and her body was in a flat-out run as the sound of hoofbeats followed her. This was it. The shadows had become solid creatures. They would run her down. They would attack her. They would kill her.

Her powers were useless for how could a Level II Darkness defeat Darkness itself? As she ran, the shadow creatures seemed to be following her right out of her line of vision. She swore that they called her name, but she could not listen. This could not happen. She could not die.


They were two extremes, a dun and a black, standing side by side as a perfect representation of their dual reign. The Soldiers of the Lakes had alerted them as soon as Labyrinth’s form had appeared on the horizon with a strange palomino following her. As a herd leader from the South, thoughts of Rapier kept Solaris and The Undertaker from extending their usual hospitality.

Good day, travelers, Solaris said, her body stiff. Her reign over the Lakes was longer than that of The Undertaker and her manners had been refined by her duty. You are far from your home, Labyrinth. To what do we owe the pleasure of your visit?

What she means is, The Undertaker said as his great form stepped forward. Your visit best be of an innocent and diplomatic nature. We do not take too kindly to threats or scurmishes.

The good cop, bad cop routine. This was their relationship.

I come not as a warrior, Labyrinth said as she nodded her head in respect. I come peacefully with a request.

The Warrior King shook his head and snorted in his disgust, Your kingdom has done nothing but prey upon my people. Why should we do anything for a Southern leader?

Because it is our creed, Solaris said, correcting her King. She met Labyrinth’s eye, If it does not conflict with the affairs of the Silver Lakes, we will aid you.

Labyrinth exhaled. She was not accustomed to the refinement of royalty. She realized how far from the world her small herd really was.

This is Ayumi, she said boldly, her eyes sparkling with pride. She is lost and homeless. She has just given birth to a foal, but the foal was not there when I found her. Please, she needs rest and she needs protection. This is the only place that I could think of that would protect her. This is where she could be safe.

Solaris turned toward The Undertaker and Labyrinth held her breath as their eyes met. Whatever conversation that the monarchs had, it was silent. She could not understand their ways.

This is unlike the behavior of a Southern resident, Solaris said slowly.

What do you have to gain? The Undertaker asked.

Labyrinth smiled and nodded, The knowledge that I am not a monster.


The reaching branches of the jungle tore at her flesh and the sound of her name continued to haunt her as Daniella continued to flee from the pursuer. A quick jump and a log was behind her and the rumbling of the Valkyrie waterfall filled her ears as the river came into view. She stopped, chest heaving as her eyes sought to find a way to safety, but those shadows seemed to be blocking her view.

A lion-like roar started her and she again tried to run, this time along the banks of the rivers. However, the roar was not coming from her tracker, but from the river itself. Long limbs, like that of an octopus, formed from the waters and reached for the frightened Daniella. She fought them, attempting to slice through and flee her trailer, but the water turned to ice and pinned her against a tree.

She screamed and struggled against her restraints, but was utterly surprised when a panting figure from her past slapped her with another arm of water.

You….are….an….idiot, the other female panted as she began to tear away the ice. Were you trying to kill me? Why would you run from me?

I…I thought…, Daniella stammered as her eyes whirled. Seeing shadows was one thing, but this was ridiculous. I thought that you were someone else.

You are stupid, the other said bitterly as she drank a bit from the river. There is only one Sirenne.

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All images, plots, and writing copyright (c) Hoof Prince
Layout image (c) Nicole