The Fall of the Dieties ;;

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Table of Contents

I. Ayumi
II. The Return of Sin
III. The Violation of Ayumi
IV. Left to Die & Living in Shadows
V. An Unknown Friend
VI. The Pursuit of Memories
VII. The Temple of Galadriel
VIII. Rurutia
IX. Fooling A God
X. Retracing the Hoof Prints
XI. The Truth About Gobardon
XII. Hell on Earth
XIII. Reign of Darkness
XIV. Smothering the Flame
XV. Blocking the Light
XVI. A Shocking End
XVII. Air and Water
XVIII. A Liquid Confrontation
XIX. Guardian and Deity
XX. Fading Away
XXI. Mindfreeze
XXII. A Calming Effect
XXIII. When Peace Becomes War
XXIV. The Final Battle
XXV. One Last Message

The Fall of the Dieties - The Temple of Galadriel

The sun never set at the Temple of Galadriel and never did the wind expose one’s skin to the chill. Upon entering, the cares and burdens of the mortal world was suddenly lifted and Time itself seemed to stop long enough for the weary to breathe in deeply, to relax after a long journey.

Ayumi’s amber eyes studied the intricate designs on the Temple wall as Labyrinth paced the Temple, her agitation foreign in a place where serenity reigned.

This is frustrating, Ayumi, Labyrinth said as her eyes darted from the Temple entrance to the shrine to the gentle sunbeams that seemed to stroke the marble floors. Do not get discouraged, but I am a follower of Altus. I am not quite certain how to summon Galadriel.

Ayumi turned slowly toward Labyrinth and smiled warmly, You can do it, Labyrinth. I trust you.

It was difficult to remain so distraught when you had someone who believed so much in you. Throughout the entire journey, Ayumi had been incredibly supportive. Even when Labyrinth was unsure of the Light Temple’s location, Ayumi had laughed to say that being lost was a marvelous adventure. With the world falling into chaos, it felt good to have someone like Ayumi believing in you.

I will summon her, Labyrinth said confidently. Soon, you will have your memories.

Ayumi laughed, And I will not forget you!


The other party’s journey had been the exact opposite of the marvelous adventure.

Sirenne? Do you know where you are going? Daniella asked quietly, fearful of the Red Lady’s reaction.

In case you have not noticed, Sirenne said, her attempt to keep her temper in check apparent by her strained voice. I was never really a Lightwalker. Look at my track record.


Yes, Sirenne said as she ducked below a low-hanging branch, her eyes following a seemingly bright spot on the horizon.

How about ….Gemini?

Also Dark, she replied feeling as if she was leading a child instead of a former friend. Those shadows seemed to be causing Daniella to lose her mind completely.

Ooo! What about Gobardon?

Sirenne whirled and pressed her face against that of her friends, her eyes seemed to be trying to tear a hole through Daniella. Never. Talk. About. Him.

A silent moment hung heavily as they stared. Sirenne blinked a few times and remembered her urgency. We’re here. Hopefully, the Temple will be empty.


I am so glad to meet you, Ayumi said pleasantly as Labyrinth continued to search the Temple.

I am glad to have met you too, Ayumi, Labyrinth said, her attention waning as she grow nervous about the time. She could not be seen by Rapier as she returned to the South.

You are so pretty! I love Paints! If she would have had hands, they would have been clapping.

I am not a Paint, Ayumi, Labyrinth said, clearly a black Arabian.

Ayumi giggled, Do not mind Labyrinth. She is looking for you.

Labyrinth turned suddenly to see Ayumi standing alone at the entrance to the Temple. There was a smile on her face and she moved in her excitement. Baffled, Labyrinth walked forward. Ayumi? Are you okay?

I am fine, friend. Are you okay?

Actually, I am a bit.., Labyrinth stopped herself and shook her head. Who were you talking to?

Ayumi laughed, Galadriel. She told me to wait here until the others arrived.


Yes! Old friends, she said. Daniella and Sirenne!


Galadriel was not one to start fights, but she was the first one to resolve them. In the past, her lack of involvement might have cost some mortals their lives. Now that she was a Deity, she attempted to become better than her mortal self.

She just did not understand the bitterness between the Lakes and the Valkyries.

When Daniella and Sirenne appeared from the trees, Galadriel was first to greet them. The Light Goddess did not have the arrogance of Rencor, the bitterness of Paduan, or the presence of Brighton. She attempted to be more personal with her children, even though none of these creatures belonged to her.

I know what you are seeking, she said, addressing Sirenne. You must know that she will have to give up something in order for me to go against Rencor.

Patience was not something that could be associated with Sirenne nor respect for Sirenne saw no respect needed for a Deity that bragged about her “goodiness”. However, Sirenne realized that Daniella needed to be Healed or her former kingdom would fall in the coming war. Nodding, Sirenne said, I am not like the others to which you speak. No, I am not one of your favorites. No, I do not run around giving everyone kisses. I have more respect for my being. I know that Daniella is aligned with Rencor, but something must be done about a Deity that punishes his followers for no reason.

So, you think that there is no reason for this? Galadriel asked, her voice reverberating pleasingly.

Of course there isn’t! Daniella is a Valkyrie. We are aligned with the South, Rencor’s Guardian. She did nothing to deserve this.

What do you want me to do, Sirenne?

Heal her.

Galadriel shook her head, She is Rencor’s child.

Sirenne grimaced, Then take her away from him.

Daniella’s fantasies were suddenly taken away as Sirenne’s words reached her. She seemed to be momentarily brought back to her senses. Go against Rencor?! Sirenne, are you mad?! I cannot make the God of Darkness hate me!

He already does, Daniella. Sirenne said in irritation. I did not drag you here only for you to back out. Swear your allegiance to Galadriel.

I can’t. Rencor…

Do it or I will kill you, Daniella!

The words hurt her. Daniella stared in shock at someone who seemed to be completely different from what she remembered. She bowed her head, trying to control her tears. Finally, she stepped forward.

Galadriel,….I swear my allegiance to you. I choose to walk away from the Darkness, to embrace the life of those in the Light.

I choose to fight against Rencor.

Galadriel smiled, Very well.

Sirenne and Daniella’s figures were lost in a flash of Light.



Ayumi sang, Daniella and Sirenne…they flow like a song.

Labyrinth stepped in front of Ayumi and looked toward the bottom of the Temple. As she stood there, the Light from below flashed in her eyes and a sick-sounding thud sounded behind her. When the Light disappeared, Sirenne and Daniella were gone for Galadriel had done her job chasing away Daniella’s shadows and making her a follower of Light.

Labyrinth turned toward Ayumi, trying to see if she was alright, but the palomino was motionless on the floor. Ayumi! Labyrinth lowered her head and pushed her roughly, but there was no response. She closed her eyes, summoning the wind to enter Ayumi’s lungs and grew hopeful as her ribs expanded. However, she remained still when the wind stopped.

Ayumi! No! No! This cannot happen!

How could someone die in the Temple of Light?

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All images, plots, and writing copyright (c) Hoof Prince
Layout image (c) Nicole